Media Release: The World’s Biggest Eye Contact Experiment 2015

So What Is Actually Happening?

Over 90,000 people from more than 115 cities have nominated themselves to simultaneously sit in an iconic plaza or square to share a minute’s eye contact with strangers on the 15th of October, 2015.  Each city records their experience on video and then submits their footage to The Liberators International HQ, in Perth Australia to edit their actions into a global compilation video. This global event calls upon citizens of planet Earth to volunteer and decide to be a part of the reason the world changed.

Here’s the example of the Eye Contact Experiment The Liberators created earlier in the year with 10 people.

What’s Our Intention?

The intention here is to create a safe and loving international public platform for our shared humanity to be experienced in real time. With the final video, we aim to inspire more people around the world to recognise the power of authentic eye contact and to try the experiment for themselves.

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Why Are We Doing This?

To provide heart-warming evidence that beyond our differences there is love and humanity. It’s as if listening to the heartbeat of our own mothers and or looking into the eyes of another being brings us closer together as brothers and sisters from the same human family. We want to find out if it’s true all around the globe.


What Inspired this Event to Happen on the 15th of October, 2015?

“After touring 5 countries in Europe with The Liberators in August 2015, we explored the idea of creating eye contact experiments and train parties in public spaces and one of our most powerful experiences was in Berlin, Germany.

Shortly after we created the experience with the locals, we received a message from Armin (one of the attendees) informing us he was creating another eye contact experiment on the 15th, inspired by our recent action. I took a quick look at his event and noticed it had already gathered more than 1000 people in less than a week! I messaged back and said I’d like to combine forces by hosting a global event that anyone from all over the world could host on the same day in the same way. And so, The World’s Biggest Eye Contact Experiment was born.” Said Peter Sharp, the Founder of the Liberators International

How is The Coordination of The Liberators Funded?

The Liberators full time dedication to ensuring this project is a global success is funded by heart-warming tee’s and hoodies that represent this global message for human connection. Your support in buying threads enables us to pay for bread, servers, editing and 24 hour global coordination costs. Support The Liberators International by buying a tee by clicking the photos or by donating to the not for profit here.

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This is Not The First Time

Our humanitarian videos have already gained more than 100 million views online and this is our 2nd official global event unifying humanity, the first global event can be viewed here.

Who Are The Liberators International?

We are an International Social Movement based in Perth, Australia and our focus has is on the invitation for all people to participate in our public experiences of loving unity. Our plan from the beginning has been to live by example by facilitating global change in the way of peaceful, paradigm shifting social events where humans are able to participate and reflect on their shared humanity.

How Do I See the Other Participating Cities?

There is a consistently updated global list of more than 50 cities can be found here.

How Do I Create An Event for Myself?

The best way to start is by reading this “how to guide” we’ve prepared for the participants here.

More information can be found @

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